Episode 3: DNS= Do NOT Sedate Me
Susan East has survived ARDS 3 times over. She recalls traumatizing delusions during her medically-induced coma that have left an unshakable fear of sedation.
“I am not afraid to be to be on the ventilator, but do no sedate me. DO NOT sedate me. The sedation is what I am afraid of.”
After her first experience she woke up and was unable to move her body. She exposes the reality of rehabilitation after critical illness. Once she was able, she was at her attorney’s office having legal documents drafted protecting her from ever being sedated again.
Her next experience on the ventilator without sedation was different. She was able to demand to be mobilized, be informed, make her own decisions concerning her care, authorize procedures, and actually cope with her situation.
She gives powerful insight into the value of mobility and autonomy for patients in the ICU.