Episode #14: Different Treatment Different Outcomes

Walking Home From The ICU
4 min readMar 10, 2020


Now we have heard plenty of testimonials and evidence to be convinced that our practices must change. If we know that sedation and immobility causes harm, then what are the other options?

This next section of the podcast will be led by survivors that have contrasting outcomes. They too were critically ill and at a crossroads in their lives. Yet they were given the opportunity to be awake and walking from the moment they rolled in the ICU.

We will hear practices that perhaps only this awake and walking ICU dares to do. Patients walk on high ventilator settings and almost all throughout the worst of their respiratory failure, and then walk out the hospital doors and go back to work.

If we want different outcomes, then we must provide different treatment.


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Walking Home From The ICU
Walking Home From The ICU

Written by Walking Home From The ICU

ICU Nurse Practitioner passionate about improving patient care and long term outcomes.

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